what is natural hair care ? The Ultimate Guide

Once upon a time, I created a recipe for an all natural shampoo. it had been a way better alternative to the tough shampoos that I had used for many of my life. After a while , however, I found that it had been making my scalp really dry and irritated. After performing some research I learned the worth of getting a pH balance shampoo recipe. And that’s why I shared my pH Balanced Shampoo recipe.

But the reality is: Hair care is SO personal.

What works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for an additional . And that’s why today I’m excited to share this ultimate all natural hair care roundup. I’m getting to be answering a couple of of the foremost common questions I’ve received about natural hair care then sharing plenty of great recipes and tutorials to hopefully assist you find YOUR favorite natural hair care routine.


While there’s tons of great DIY stuff floating round the web, I’ve actually found a product (and company) that I prefer far better to any DIY hair care stuff I’ve tried. For my very own scalp issues and for my children’s STUBBORN dermatitis , nothing DIY worked. I found HairStory and was so happy to seek out natural products that went above and beyond my very own strict requirements for hair care. you’ll read more about why i really like them during this post. otherwise you can visit their shop here.

Common Natural Hair Care Q & A

  1. what’s “No ‘Poo”?
    For those of you only starting out on the natural hair care journey, you’re sure to see “No ‘Poo” everywhere you go. Don’t worry, it doesn’t have anything to try to to together with your bowels. It’s a brief term for “No Shampoo.” the foremost common approach to No ‘Poo is using bicarbonate of soda for laundry and an apple vinegar rinse. I personally don’t like this method because the bicarbonate of soda was so harsh on my scalp. I later learned that it’s because it’s not in line with our scalp’s natural pH. That’s why I created my pH Balanced Shampoo recipe. Some people, however, LOVE the bicarbonate of soda method… and that i say, “If’ it’s not broke, don’t fix it.” If you continue to haven’t found the simplest method for you, persist with me. I even have many ideas within the second a part of this post.
  2. Why does my hair feel so greasy?
    This is probably the amount one complaint I got from my pH Balanced Recipe. There are variety of reasons why you would possibly be experiencing super greasy hair using natural shampoos:

Detox – If you’re new natural shampooing or no ‘poo then you’ve got to be prepared for a detox phase. Commercial shampoos strip your hair and scalp of their natural oils, which is why most of the people feel the necessity to shampoo daily. As your hair is stripped of oils the body signals for the scalp to supply more. In other words: The harsher the shampoo the more oils your body produces. As you wean yourself from commercial shampoos it’ll take time for your body to re-balance itself and stop producing such a lot oil. within the meantime you’ll expect extra grease and general “gross” hair until your body balances back out. this will take anywhere from 2 – 9 weeks. (Yep… this is often not for the faint of heart.) the great news is that when your body finds its balance you’ll expect more manageable hair with only “shampooing” every few days (or even just one occasion or twice every week .)
Hard Water – for a few people the detox phase never seems to finish , and it’s going to be a water issue. water are often especially hard on the scalp, and without the tough detergents found in most commercial shampoos, your hair may never feel really great if you’ve got water issues. I found that getting a filter for my shower made an enormous difference in my hair. (Like this one)
Condition – For my pH Balanced Shampoo recipe I find it really necessary to use an apple cider rinse. For me, using an ACV rinse has resolved any greasy issues I experienced within the beginning. We’ll talk more about this during a bit.
Other factors – There are often other factors that I can’t necessarily account for. It might be a mixture of detox, water, ingredients, and method…. but unless I can ask you face to face, see you combine your ingredients together, check your water, and watch you shower… I won’t necessarily know why something isn’t working for you. (And let’s be honest, that might be really awkward.) Ultimately, if you’re serious about natural hair care you’ve got to be willing to experiment and keep trying until you discover your sweet spot.

  1. How do I condition?
    I have shared my favorite all natural deep conditioner on the blog, and it’s really great for giving some like to your scalp. It’s not a daily conditioner, though. For daily conditioning I persist with an easy apple vinegar rinse (ACV). i exploit a cleansing bottle (like this) and put 1 – 2 TBS of apple vinegar then fill the remainder with filtered water. Since I even have really short hair I don’t need tons . I’ll just squirt some on my scalp, massage it in, then let it sit for 20 – 30 seconds before rinsing out. It makes my hair feel really good!
  2. what proportion shampoo do I use?
    This really depends on your hair, length, water, and other factors. except for the foremost part I’d say LESS IS MORE. Start with a touch then experiment to seek out the proper amount for you. I even have pixie-length hair and can use about 1/2 tsp of my pH Balanced shampoo to scrub .
  3. I’ve tried everything and my hair remains gross! Why?
    Unfortunately, there’s nobody recipe that’s perfect for everybody . Especially because we sleep in a really toxic world there are with great care many reasons why it’d not be the simplest shampoo for you. I’ve had tons of individuals tell me what proportion they love using bicarbonate of soda , or my original shampoo recipe, or my second pH Balanced recipe. And there are many people who can’t make it work. provides it a while , experiment, then do what feels right for your hair.

To help, I’ve included some wonderful all natural hair care resources. Also, I do my best to reply to each question, so make certain to read through the comment sections for trouble shooting.

The Ultimate All Natural Hair Care Guide

Natural Shampoo Alternatives
If you haven’t seen my original natural shampoo recipe or my pH Balanced shampoo recipe, make certain to see them out. Also, take a while with the comments in both those posts as there are many great ideas from readers such as you .

Our Heritage Health has researched several methods used during the Victorian Era to scrub the hair naturally. Read all about it here.

ACV Rinse
There are still many people that are loving the entire No ‘Poo thing, and therefore the key (I believe) may be a good Apple vinegar Rinse because it will help balance the scalp after the harsher bicarbonate of soda wash. I personally love the “pumped up” from Reformation Acres. If you don’t want to travel all out, you’ll always just use a few tablespoons of apple vinegar diluted in a few cup of water to rinse.

Special Conditioning Treatments
These conditioners aren’t necessarily daily conditioners. These are a number of my favorite “go to” approaches to deep conditioning:

All Natural Deep Conditioner with coconut milk
This is my favorite deep conditioner. It’s filled with nourishing good fats that help heal damage hair and make it super soft. Get my recipe here.

Banana Hair Conditioner for Split Ends from LA Healthy Living
Banana hair conditioner may be a perfect natural hair conditioner. Being rich in vitamins, natural oils, carbohydrates and vitamins, it soothes the cuticle and helps in softening the hair. Bananas improve the hair’s natural elasticity, thus preventing breakage and split ends. Bananas also help your hair shine and improve its growth. Click here to urge the recipe.

Nourishing Avocado Hair Mask from The Sprouting Seed
This awesome “smoothie” for your hair heals split ends and leaves your locks silky smooth and soft! Click here to urge the recipe.

Coconut Oil Treatment from Holistic Health Herbalist
Check out this great copra oil hair treatment and find the right combination of copra oil and essential oils for your hair type.

Brushing for Healthier Scalp and Hair
Don’t forget to brush! Did you recognize that brushing is one among the simplest belongings you can do your for your hair and scalp? It’s been shown to assist with hair loss, shine, and dryness. Learn all about why brushing is that the ultimate in natural hair care from Our Heritage of Health. (This is my favorite quite brush to use.)

Detox Hair Mask
While some people have great success with the No ‘Poo method, others cannot seem to urge their hair past the funk of detox. inspect this great Detox Hair Mask over at Homemade Mommy for how to urge your hair back to good.

Hair Styling
Hair Spray: Need a touch “hold” in your style? inspect my all natural homemade toiletry recipe. It’s so simple and really effective.

Pomade: This all natural pomade is my favorite thanks to help style my short, pixie-cut hair. Get the recipe here.

Hair Gel: Beyond just supplying you with some extra “hold,” this flax seed mousse is nourishing, all natural, easy to form , and does the work rather well . Get the recipe from Schanna Naturally here.

Natural Waves: Want beautiful, natural waves? find out how you’ll use an easy braid to urge the natural waves you would like from Our Heritage Health.

Hair Detangler: I’ve been trying to find an honest detangler for my female child who’s long locks are in need of a touch help. Nearly Natural Mama features a great hair detangler recipe that you simply can find here.

Natural hair coloring
Henna Dye: i ended coloring my hair a couple of years ago. It just didn’t seem right to place such harsh chemicals on my scalp. Luckily there are natural alternatives to coloring your hair. The Paleo Mama gives an excellent tutorial on the way to dye your hair naturally using henna. (And did you recognize that it’s other benefits like curing dandruff and lice!) Find the tutorial here.

Coffee Dye: you’ll also try dying your hair with coffee (not for blondes!) inspect how over at Thrive Style.

Lighten Your Hair: Ever want to lighten your hair without using harsh chemicals? Well, Leon features a wonderful recipe to lighten your hair naturally. Go check it out here.

Hair Problems

LA Healthy Living shows you ways to use copra oil to affect dry hair and dandruff.

Hair Loss
Up to 60 percent of girls may experience hair loss at some point or another. And while the causes may vary from person to person, Mary Vance, a holistic nutrition and wellness coach, has some great solutions to assist you affect hair loss naturally. By addressing hormones, diet and lifestyle, you’ll stop the shedding! Read her solutions here.

Essential Oils have also been used as an answer to hair loss. inspect the highest three essential oils for hair loss over at Leon’s Beauty Tips and Secrets.

Gray Hair
Plenty of individuals have gray hair, and it are often very beautiful… but if you’re not a lover of the grey then you’ll want to think about your shampoo and other factors.

Related: Organic Argan Oil – The Miracle Effects

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